You’re on your own when it comes to figuring out how much your gun is worth. Where’s the Kelley Blue Book of guns? Unfortunately, there isn’t a great one. You want to trade it in, but you don’t want to get ripped off. Now, imagine the same applies to your old gun. So you go to either Kelley Blue Book or Edmunds in search of what your trusty companion is really worth so you can be sure you’re getting a good deal. Well, maybe if you can afford it you will, but most people can’t. Of course, you’re not just going to get a new truck without getting something for your old one.

You bought a new truck a few years back, and while it served you well while you owned it, you’re ready for an upgrade. If you don’t quite know how to estimate the trade-in value of a gun, here’s a quick scenario that you may relate to.